Turkish Delight

About Of Turkish Delight

We will talk about the fabulous story of water, sugar and starch indeed. This epic story reveals formation of simple materials and it has always been the most loved one wherever it travelled for many years. Not only in the territory of our country but in a wide geography from Europe to Asia pursued this taste and turkish delight finally reached today with its traditional recipe. Today, a very few people use traditional recipes and offer this taste to turkish delight lovers. In this sense, Usas, whose most important feature is using traditional recipes, is the first one that comes to mind and it is considered to be the best name in turkish delight production in terms of applying various innovations without skipping from the originality. After this brief information we can move on with our primary subject – the fascinating story of turkish delight.

This amazing flavor, which is the property of Turkish people, is known in Anatolia since the 15th century. Important information is the first name of turkish delight. turkish delight has been described as “Rahat ul-hulküm" which means soothing of the throat and is also believed that the name turkish delight revived in this way. This recipe has been existed in Anatolia at 15th Century and it spread rapidly in the 17th century. Then, it had become a flavor that everyone admired. The recognition of turkish delight in Europe had only been possible in the 18th century. In this century, a British traveler visited our country and contributed to recognition of turkish delight in their territory. In a short time, turkish delight had begun to known outside the borders of our country and everyone who had been visiting the country began to take the flavor with them.

Our culture is so rich and so beautiful that turkish delight is only a part of this wealth. The emergence and development of turkish delight and its unique taste have various reflections on social life. The most important source of sugar in that period was the fruits. As the travelers pointed out, a great importance placed on fruit gardens. Thousands of fruit varieties grow in these gardens and turns into the most delicious sorbets, jams and various candies. The fact that Turkish cuisine is being one of the world's richest cuisines could be associated with these gardens. Moreover, it is possible to see the effects of fruits in turkish delight. Although fruits are important flower taste is more evident in turkish delight production. And rose is the first one that comes to minds as the most beautiful flower in eye-catching gardens of the palace. Rose delight is the favorite one when we talk about turkish delight. Usas turkish delight are known for its delicious rose delights and it is loved not just only in our country but worldwide. Moreover in the light of this historical information if we mention about the value of turkish delight, it has always had the special place among all other desert recipes and it is known as sultan sweet till today. Maybe it is because of this turkish delight is called Turkish delight and has been one of the most precious sweet.

In the light of this information, Usas is one of the most important names in the delight industry. Usas started production in 1970s and used traditional recipes from the beginning. It has been established by Husnu Uslu and came today with his hard work and the support of loved ones. Today Usas has been one of the most preferred turkish delight manufacturers. Since the company built on these foundations, its characteristic taste attracts great attention. Today you can reach to Usas turkish delight in various sale points and they are specially presented to you with its traditional recipe and method produced by a new generation of manufacturer. In short, it offers the smell and taste of historic atmosphere that appeal to your taste by using special packaging systems.

The company does not only stand out in quality production by using traditional recipes and methods but also in packaging and presentation. Usas turkish delight reach to turkish delight lovers as a result of a special effort from sale to distribution. Production is carried out with great care and followed by a careful packaging process. The freshest turkish delight are offered to your taste at various sale points. Usas turkish delight attract both domestic and foreign customers with a great interest. It isn’t only sold at domestic sales points but also at world’s quite different sale points where it unites with its fans. turkish delight is the first gift that tourists purchase when they return to their country. You can prefer Usas turkish delight to get the true flavor of turkish delight and take a sense of those prime times. If you have not met with this flavor yet, you're missing a lot. You should try these worldwide famous turkish delight accompanied with Turkish coffee together with your loved ones. No matter what kind or what flavor there will always be a special meeting with the same special flavor. So, if you want to meet the unknown world of turkish delight, prefer Usas turkish delight. You are not that late yet.

Turkish Delight

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usas turkish delight, lokum
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